Programme Educational Objectives

  • Acquiring a thorough knowledge of the engineering principles as applicable in different aspects of civil Engineering.
  • Gaining a knowledge about different building materials along with alternative materials and their appropriate and selective use, without compromising strength and quality.
  • Learning about the design principles of various Civil Engineering structures and estimation of quantity and cost by proper analysis.
  • Enabling the students to get a firsthand knowledge of construction and / or operation on conducting a few study tours to construction sites of various types of structures or to sites of implemented projects.
  • Posses an ability to analyze the forces of nature (with future implications) study bench marks of flood and cyclones and learn from history about the workings of any surviving or failed structure as "Case studies" which reveal knowledge of design adequacy or its short coming.
  • Developing an interest in knowing the latest developments taking place in civil engineering and improve their skill accordingly.
  • Training the students to have a research mindset towards workings of different field structures after they pass out and become professional engineers.
  • Orienting the students to develop a team spirit and leadership quality, which is necessary for taking up any project and finishing it successfully within the specified time frame.