Basic Programming Lab

Computer Science Laboratories Objectives:

To learn advanced features of the programming language and to enhance problem solving and programming skills with extensive programming projects.

  • It will help to understand and find the output of more complex programs containing arrays and invoking (calling) functions having input and output arguments using pointers.
  • An understanding of the basic data structures, search and sort algorithms.
  • Student will able to understand the features of object oriented programming.
Major Equipments

System: 79 nos. ,Processor: DUAL CORE 2.8GHZ, Pentium-IV, 3.0 GHZ ,Hard Drive: 360GB, 180 GB ,Memory: 2 GB ,Operating System: Linux ,Display: 18.5" CRT Monitor

Database Lab

Computer Science Laboratories Objectives:

The major objective of this lab is to provide a strong formal foundation in database concepts, technology and practice to the students to groom them into well-informed database application developers.

  • Students are able to learn the design the data base and find the relation among the data.
  • Critically evaluate contemporary database architectures and database management issues.
  • Discuss the projected future directions of database technology in terms of design, hardware and software implementations.
Major Equipments

System: 48 nos. , Processor: CORE-i3, 3.50 GHZ, , Memory: 2GB , Hard Drive: 500 GB , Operating System: Window 7 , Display: 18.5" TFT Monitor

Operating System and Networking Lab

Computer Science Laboratories Objectives:

The goal of this lab is to have students understand and appreciate the principles in the design and implementation of operating systems software and to implement important computer networking protocol in a high-level programming language and to become acquainted with socket programming as well as some of the important GUI based computernetworking tools .

  • Be familiar with implementing algorithms for various uniprocessor operating system modules.
  • Be familiar with device interrupts and how they are used in an operating system implementation.
  • Students will have in depth knowledge on networking using various network simulator
Major Equipments

System: 46 nos. , Processor: DUAL CORE 2.8GHZ, , Memory: 2GB , Hard Drive: 500 GB , Operating System: Linux , Display: 18.5" TFT Monitor

Java and Web Technology Lab

Computer Science Laboratories Objectives:

The main objective is to teach the basic concepts and techniques which form the object oriented programming paradigm.

  • The model of object oriented programming: abstract data types, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
  • Fundamental features of an object oriented language like object, classes ,interfaces, exceptions and libraries of object collections.
  • How to test document and prepare a professional looking package for each project using javadoc.
Major Equipments

System: 36 nos. , Processor: CORE-i3, 3.50 GHZ , Memory: 2GB , Hard Drive: 500 GB , Operating System: LINUX , Display: 18.5" TFT Monitor

Project and Research Lab

Computer Science Laboratories Objectives:

The Main objective of this lab to understand the various stage required to design and development cycle of commercial and research projects.

  • Students are able to learn to design minor project for various industry create UML diagram for the designing of various software for different enterprise and also get a clear cut idea about the system its behavior staring from feasibility study to maintenance.
Major Equipments

Systems: 35 no. , Processsor: CORE-I3, 3.50 GHZ, Pentium IV 3.0 GHZ , Memory: 2GB, 1GB , Hard Drive: 500 GB, 360 GB , Operating System: LINUX , Display: 18.5" TFT Monitor

Computer Organization Lab

Computer Science Laboratories Objectives:

This lab gives expose to the graduates for assemble and disassemble of systems and they can visualize the function of internal structure through various trainer kits.

  • Identify the internal components of a computer (laptop, desktop).
  • Identify the speed, cost, and effectiveness trade-offs of various peripheral interfaces, memory, and processor.
  • Understand how the CPU implements the fetch-execute instruction cycle.
  • Develop the skill to repair, disassemble and reassemble a real computer.
Major Equipments

HDD Trainer Kit , FDD Trainer Kit , SMPS Trainer Kit , Printer Trainer Kit , Robotics Equipments